Monday, 10 September 2007

The Helen Winterson Fashion Show

You may recall from our August blog we were exhibiting and shooting at the
Midsummer Evening Gala at Marple Bridge.
A fabulous evening raising over £2500 for the Alzheimers Soceity.

Congratulations to Mandy Mottram on successfully outbidding everyone else for one of our Lifestyle Portrait shoots.....we look forward to creating some stunning images for you.

Stars of the show went to the models from Helen Winterson.
Judi Winterson put together a fantastic show. Click on the title above the image to see the shoot.

The light was challenging, as the stage lighting was set up for a band and disco, not a fashion show, but professionalism prevailed. It reminded me of the Daily Express days....don't even think about coming back with no snaps was a regular instruction from the picture desk.

That fear never leaves you!

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