Sunday, 2 March 2008

Trash The Dress

Hi Everyone, here is a peek of the eagerley awaited
"Trash the Dress" images from Chris Hanley Photography.
New for 2008 and onwards we are offering clients old and new the opportunity to experience our new and exciting Post wedding Dress shoots. If the thought of Trashing your beautiful dress fills you with horror, read on........its not as bad as it sounds.........but at least we grabbed your attention. (to view the images click here)

"Trash the Dress" A little more detail and explanation.
The phrase "Trash the Dress" is the very latest marketing buzzword in contemporary wedding photography. It originated in Australia and LA, where some brides literally trashed their dress after the wedding. This involved beach photography with the couple usually ending up in the sea. Other examples would be the desert outside Las Vegas. Brides changing car tyres, Brides horse riding etc, downtown city shoots…… fact anything that was extreme enough from a normal wedding day scenario

The latest trend is a move towards personal expression and doing something a little different. Expect to see an increase in post wedding fashion shoots, where the pressure is off and those with an inclination can really go to town.
Inspiration is drawn from fashion magazines, cinema and MTV videos. The dress isn’t destroyed, its about relaxing, letting go of all the hang ups about the wedding day.
Most likely the dress may get dirty in the process, but the emphasis is on creativity, freedom and fun, and certainly not on an "obligatory trashing".

Trash FAQ’s
What is a Trash the Dress Session?
Now that the wedding is over, you have two choices of what to do with the dress. You can suffocate it in a plastic bag and hope that your daughter will want to wear it in 20 years, (which she won’t) or you can put it back on and have some fun.
Do I have to really trash it?
Of course not! It's just a fun session to do when you have more time than the day of the wedding or a situation you wouldn't dare do the day of the wedding. Sure you can get a little risky with it, like splashing in water or riding horseback in the snow since the fear of getting it dirty is over, but you don't have to.
Can I still do a session if you didn't shoot my wedding?
Absolutely! We can certainly add a little spice to your wedding collection even if we didn't cover the actual event. This is the perfect opportunity to add a different style to your wedding photos and some out of the ordinary locations.

Trash the dress quotes from Chris Hanley photography

“A Chris Hanley Photography "Trash the Dress" shoot is shot exactly how the client wants the shoot. The only limitation is their imagination."

"A great opportunity to have extra photo’s of the dress and really get your money’s worth out of it.”

"There are no worries about hair, make-up, weather and time constraints. This is an opportunity to have a post wedding shoot in more unusual locations."

A "Trash the Dress" shoot appeals also to brides who have had a winter wedding, or where the weather on their actual wedding day has forced them to stay indoors."

"It also appeals to the Bride and her Bridesmaids to get together again, dress up, and have a post wedding "Girls" afternoon. "

Special Thanks to
Monterey Beach Hotel St Annes for their kind hospitality and providing changing facilities. Miss Susan Entwhistle
01253 721317
Village Bride Couture For allowing us to Trash their beautiful dresses. 0161 427 9419
Pizza Express Lytham 01253 738855

About Chris Hanley Photography
Chris & Claire Hanley
2 Wellfield Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK2 6AS.
0161 -487-1217

Chris Hanley Photography, specialises in lifestyle images.
Contemporary weddings and beautiful location portraiture.
Social events
Fresh contemporary photography for businesses, their products and their people.

A Post wedding Dress Shoot!

As you will have seen from our Trash the Dress blog, we are offering our brides the opportunity to have a post wedding dress shoot. I think that's the way we will be phrasing our Trash shoots.
We aren't suggesting you trash your dress..........maybe that's taking things to the extreme. What we will suggest is you leave your inhibitions behind..........let your creativity flow, and enjoy a fun photo shoot with the wedding dress back on.

This shoot can take place the day after your wedding ?
A month after the wedding?
Maybe this sort of thing wasn't around when you got married?
Maybe we didn't photograph your wedding, but you like our style?
Maybe you fancy a sexy shoot with your new husband?
Maybe you fancy a Bride and Bridesmaids afternoon out? Shoot, followed by a few drinks?
Maybe the dress deserves a trashing? New start ? New chapter in your life?

A few ideas to get you thinking! Click here to see these beautiful Bride and Horse images.
Just another example of how much fun a girl and a dress can have.
For more info get in touch here.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

As seen on TV !

Our Bumps and Babies package is proving to be very popular.
As new parents ourselves, we were very much aware that other baby photography schemes looked tired, old fashioned and out of touch with todays lifestyle.

We offer......
Four exciting photography sessions.
Four free prints.
One fantastic fee of £100.
Contempoary images, that don't appear past their sell by date, don't have that predictable look, and are not like everyone elses "studio" pictures.
Call it cutting edge, call it rock n roll or call it modern baby portraiture......its a beautiful way to capture your Baby's first year.

Not Convinced ? then take a look at our TV advert, as seen on Baby TV!
Click on the video button below
Give us a call 0161-487-1217 or drop us an e-mail

Questions? Concerns? Don't want a bump picture? We have all the answers.
Click here to go to our main website

And don't forget gift vouchers are available, for that unique & special gift